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Surat street vendor’s cheese-loaded sabzi leaves internet disgusted. Watch

Indian streets are renowned for their diverse and vibrant food culture, but a recent viral video has left many scratching their heads. The clip, shared by the Instagram page @foodie_incarnate, showcases a vendor in Surat, Gujarat, preparing a dish that may redefine the meaning of ‘cheesy’. Dubbed ‘Cheese Anguri’, this dish substitutes traditional vegetables with an overwhelming amount of processed cheese, raising eyebrows and questions alike.
(Also read: Street vendor in Surat makes waffle bhel, foodies share mixed reactions)
The preparation of Cheese Anguri begins with the vendor chopping large bricks of Amul processed cheese into small cubes, which are then shredded over bowls of rich butter and cream gravy. To further enhance the dish, additional cubes of cheese are piled on top, culminating in a lavish drizzle of cream. The sheer quantity of cheese used in the dish has caused even the most ardent cheese lovers to hesitate, with many wondering if this creation has crossed the line into excess.
A post shared by Amar Sirohi (@foodie_incarnate)
Since the video was posted, it has garnered an astounding 16.6 million views and elicited thousands of comments from viewers. The online community’s response has largely been one of disbelief, with many expressing their dissatisfaction with the vendor’s unique approach to traditional street food.
(Also read: Surat street vendor makes chikki chaat, netizens demand ‘justice for chikki’)
One user remarked, “This looks like a heart attack waiting to happen!” while another added, “Why would you ruin a perfectly good sabzi with so much cheese?” The reactions highlight a growing concern among food enthusiasts about the boundaries of culinary experimentation. A third commenter shared, “I thought street food was about balance, not just piling on cheese.”
Despite the critical feedback, some users defended the vendor’s creativity. One user commented, “It’s not my cup of tea, but I appreciate the innovation!” Another remarked, “I’d try it just for the experience!”
Will you give this unusual creation a try? Whether you love cheese or prefer your sabzi with more conventional ingredients, one thing is certain: the streets of India are always full of surprises, pushing the boundaries of what we consider food.
